News to Use

Nominating Committee Update - May 2020

Posted by Trish Reynolds on

The Nominating Committee members are elected by the congregation to represent the diversity of church membership.  Currently, the following individuals are members of the committee:  Judy Baker, Greg Eyler, Shirley Hessler, Julie Houser, Mark Sipe, Heather Lewis, Deacon Representative, and Marcia Trokhan, Elder and Committee Chair.

The Role of the Committee. 

Following the Book of Order, we nominate and elect members from the congregation to be Elders and Deacons. 

 Philosophy (succession planning):

It is our hope that church members who would like to serve as a Ruling Elder will have served on one of the standing committees prior to their election.   We work closely with the chairs of each committee to identify potential leaders. Even at this unprecedented time, when we are not gathering in person for worship, we encourage you to be considering how you might serve our church by joining a committee that serves your interests and talents. 

Our Board of Deacons serves the congregation and community in many ways.  We encourage members who may like to serve as a Deacon to talk with any of the Deacons or members of the Nominating Committee to make their interests known. 

