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The Presbyterian Church Biltz Email Update - April 16, 2020

Posted by Trish Reynolds on

Dear Friends,  

I hope that each of you is doing well, and we look forward to the day when we can worship again in-person. Join us this week at 10:00 a.m. at, for worship. Be sure to look for the red “Live” balloon, and click on the live video while the service is airing. Until we can meet again in person, we will be streaming our Sunday worship services each week on Facebook at 10:00 a.m. We hope you were able to join us for last week’s Holy Week and Easter programs. If you haven’t had a chance to see them, please visit the following links to each video.


Palm Sunday

Maundy Thursday

Way of the Cross

Community Easter Sunrise Service

The Presbyterian Church Easter Worship,


Here are a few areas we would like you to be aware of this week:

National Day of Prayer: We have chosen to cancel the National Day of Prayer Breakfast scheduled for May 7, 2020, at the Courtyard by Marriott for the wellbeing of all who would have attended. Those that have paid have been contacted regarding refunds and other options. Thank you for your support, and we look forward to this in-person event in 2021.

Membership Class: The Pathway to Membership class scheduled for April 26 and May 3 has been postponed until late spring/early summer when we can meet in person. If you are interested in joining the next class to become members at The Presbyterian Church, please call Trish at the church office at 513-867-5411 or by emailing her at  .

Blood Drive: The Blood Drive scheduled for today, April 16, 2020, has been canceled. The Community Blood Center is reviewing options to provide mobile blood drives and will let us know these arrangements at a later date.

Giving: If you would like to contribute to the ministry here at The Presbyterian Church, we would appreciate your financial gifts of support.  Your generous donation helps to provide for ongoing ministry, facility-related expenses, and your staff. There are three ways to give. 

  1. You may mail a check to the church office at 23 S. Front St., Hamilton, OH  45011.
  2. You are invited to visit our website at and click on the “Give” icon, and then click on the red hyperlink.
  3. The third option is to go directly to our ShelbyNext link at to give.

Ways to Help Our Neighbors: We are still seeking ways to support neighboring agencies to best help our neighbors in our community. We plan to have more information to share in next week’s Blitz. Thank you for your patience.

Online Bible Study:  We are still looking into options to do future online Bible Studies. We hope to have more information in the coming weeks.

Small Groups are highly encouraged to move to a digital format for meetings. We ask that you continue to pray for one another and find a non-physical place to meet; phone, text, Facebook, Zoom, Uber phone, Go-to-Meeting, etc.


We wish you a safe and healthy week and continue to pray for God’s protection over you in these challenging times. We are stronger together!


Pastor John & Staff


The Presbyterian Church
23 S Front St.
Hamilton, OH 45011

