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The Presbyterian Church Blitz News for the week of 6/2/2020 – Special Edition

Posted by Trish Reynolds on

Dear Friends,

Hello, and we hope that everyone is doing well. Thank you to everyone that took part in the survey. Your responses helped plan a way forward, and we want to share with you information that was discussed with the Sub-Committee of Session made up of Elders and staff regarding resuming in-person worship.

IN-PERSON WORSHIP: The Sub-Committee discussed several aspects of returning to in-person worship, and has decided that June 21, 2020, would be too soon to resume in-person worship. The safety of our congregates during this transitional period played a significant role in this decision. Until further notice, worship services will remain online. We are exploring other options such as online Bible Studies, Car Parade at Berkeley & Westover for the 4th of July, just to name a couple to help our church family stay connected with God and each other. More information regarding these options will be announced soon.  Just as a reminder, no meetings will take place in the church facilities until such a time it is recommended and deemed safe by the Sub-Committee and Session. As much as we would like to resume in-person worship, we would rather err on the side of caution when it comes to our congregation’s health and wellbeing.

WEDNESDAY, JUNE 3, 2020 PROTEST: We have learned that there will be a protest in downtown Hamilton on June 3, 2020, beginning at 4:30 p.m. In past protests, the crowds start gathering well before the scheduled event. The church office will be closing tomorrow at noon. Staff will be working from home and remotely accessing phone messages that come into the church office. If you had planned to drop by the church office tomorrow afternoon, we ask that you reschedule your trip. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause.

COMMUNION: On Sunday, June 7, 2020, Communion will be observed at both online worship services. The Traditional Worship Service will be aired live on Facebook at 9:30 a.m., and the Praise Worship Service will be broadcasted at 10:45 a.m. Both services can be found on our Facebook video page at or by clicking on our “Sermons” icon on our website at Please plan and prepare your Communion elements beforehand.

 We look forward to a time when we can worship together in-person, but until we can do that again, we ask for your understanding and patience. When we do resume worship, it will be a phased-in process. Currently, we are in Phase I. Phase II worship will have restrictions, and worship will be quite different than we have worshiped in the past. We look forward to a time when we enter Phase III worship, which will look and feel more like our worship felt before this pandemic began. We know that this is hard on everyone. Your staff is working hard to make sure the facilities are ready when Phase II “In-Person” worship is feasible and appreciates your ongoing support. If you need to speak with someone, please contact the church office, 513-867-5411. We are stronger together. Stay safe! Stay healthy!

Pastor John & Staff

The Presbyterian Church
23 S Front St.
Hamilton, OH 45011

