Pastor's Video Blog

careful what you say

Posted by Pastor John Lewis on






Well it’s almost Thanksgiving. How in the world did that happen? It’s the time of year when friends and family get together and give thanks for the many blessings that we have.   But even in the best of circumstances we can get a little stressed with all the plans and preparations that have to be made. And on some occasions family members have been known to slip up and say something that should not have been said. Maybe you have even caught yourself saying, “Did I really just say that out loud?” A while back there was mother who had a large family of in laws and it was her turn to host thanksgiving. There we many in the family whom she did not care for and there was a ton of preparations. She enrolled her entire family into getting the house cleaned and the meal ready. Finally when it came time to sit down and eat, she was too exhausted to even pray so, she invited her youngest daughter to say the blessing. The little girl didn’t really know what to pray so she whispered to her mother to help her. Her mother simply said, “ Honey, just say what I would say.” To which the little girl bowed her head and prayed “ Oh, Dear Lord, why did I invite all these people for thanksgiving.!



T- Tell someone thank you for the contribution they make to your life

H- Help someone who cannot pay you back.

A – Alter your plans cheerfully and do something someone else wants to do.

N - Notice something good about someone and compliment them.

K – Keep your words positive all day and do not speak ill of anyone

S – Share something you have with someone else.


Pick one and do it today!

Scripture: Psalm 19:14 May the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be pleasing to you, O Lord, my rock and my redeemer.

Prayer: Lord, help me build someone up today. Amen


Pastor John










