Christmas Eve Services at 6:30pm (Court St) and 11pm (Front St).Click here for more info.



Bev Cepluch Chair Worship Enhancement
Peggy Combs  Liaison Church Life
Susan Cook  Co-Chair Personnel 
Megan Demoret Chair Mission & Outreach
Greg Eyler  Chair Nominations
Gerry Hammond At-Large
Kim Geisler  Clerk of Session
Lisa Sandlin At-Large
Larry Slocum  Chair Technology 
Paul Trokhan  At-Large
Travis Watson  Co-Chair Personnel
Pam Webb Liaison Christian Education
Tim Wolfe  Chair Steering
Ken Wolfram  Chair Trustees
Linda Yarger  Chair Stewardship



Name Role
Alicia Bowman Treasurer
William Bozarth
Sandy Combs
Joan Crane
David M. Henry
Susan Hileman
Judy Holcomb
Becky Huff
Bill Kincer
Sharon Lee Kindness  Moderator
Heather Lewis  Vice Moderator
Carol Morris 
Lynn Newton
Sandy Vitale
Suzette Wentz  Secretary
Mary Ann Wolfe
Garry Yarger

Church Representative to the Miami Valley Presbytery:
Greg Eyler, Cheryl Barrett, & Rick McGuire