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Worship and Hospitality

Posted by Desirae Tubbs on

You may watch the video on Worship and Hospitality by clicking on the video. If you would like to read his comments, please read below. 


My name is Tom Bandy, and I am consulting with leaders of the Presbyterian Church of Hamilton in strategic planning. I encourage your prayers and reflections as the church thinks strategically about the future.

 In the days ahead, you might reflect on the lifestyle diversity of the city Hamilton and the various reasons why people attend worship.

 Scripture shows us that people came to Jesus for many reasons. Some sought physical, mental, or relational healing; others sought even more dramatic personal transformation. Some people came to Jesus to learn more about God, and others to learn how to live more faithfully day by day. Still other people came to Jesus seeking hope and inspiration in troubled times, while others sought his advice to personally serve and seek justice. And many simply came to Jesus seeking his compassion, comfort, and friendship.

 In the same way, different groups of people come to worship for different reasons. Some hope worship will heal their brokenness; and others yearn to be transformed into new creations. Some want to learn more about God, God’s will, and God’s way. Others are more practical and come to worship to get tips and tactics to live daily with courage and faith. Some groups of people are desperate for inspiration and the rebirth of joy. Other groups hope worship will connect and encourage them as they volunteer for social service. And many come to worship simply for acceptance and friendship.

 In the 1980’s and 90’s, church shoppers sought out the church that offered a worship style, musical genre, and technological sophistication that they preferred. Today, however, there are fewer and fewer church shoppers. And if visitors do come to worship, they are not primarily looking for a style or music or technology. They are looking for a worship service with a purpose. A worship service that changes their lives and shapes their living. They look for a worship service entirely focused to help experience God’s blessing in a specific way. If they get it, see it, and can hope for it they will come back. If they don’t, they won’t.

 In August and September, we have been doing demographic and lifestyle research, comparing the diversity across the city of Hamilton to representation in church membership. That extensive report is being studied by staff and Session. In order to fulfill our calling to be the Heart of Christ in the Heart of the City, we must seek ways to multiply and focus ministries that bless all the different kinds of people, with diverse needs and hopes, in relevant ways. This is especially important for hospitality and worship choices, since these are the ministries through which many people first enter the life of the church.

 So I invite you to reflect: Why do you come to worship? In these days of pandemic, choosing to worship (whether on-line or in-person) is even more intentional, requires more effort, and perhaps more risk. So what motivates you to worship? What motivates your parent, child, or grandchild to worship? And what motivates your neighbor or a stranger standing in line just six feet away? Are your motivations to worship the same as their motivations to worship? Does the worship service that meets your need also meet the need of someone else?

 Why do you seek Jesus? Why do others seek Jesus? After all, worship is not about style or technology or location. It’s about meeting Jesus … in the way that you need to experience Christ … right now.

 In the months ahead, church leaders will be thinking hard about how each worship service, and each hospitality experience before and after worship, meets the spiritual needs of different groups of people across the city Hamilton. They may consider new initiatives or adjustments to current practices, training to equip hospitality and worship leaders, and strategies to focus preaching and Christian education. And all for the purpose of more effectively helping the full diversity of people in Hamilton experience Christ.

 Please pray and ponder with them.


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