News to Use

The Presbyterian Church Blitz News for the week of 5/7/2020

Posted by Trish Reynolds on

Dear Friends,  

Hello, and Happy Mother’s Day weekend! We hope that this email finds you and your family doing well. As we begin to reopen, we can each feel apprehension and excitement about returning to normal. We can each do our part to mitigate the spread of COVID-19 by maintaining our social distancing and washing our hands. But we need to remain mindful of the fear and anxiety each of us may be carrying around. Encourage each other through this time of transition and let one another know that they are not alone. We are stronger together!


TODAY,  Thursday, May 7, 2020, at noon, join us for our ONLINE National Day of Prayer. The link to the church’s Facebook video page is This video will be posted on our website as well as soon as possible.


WORSHIP TIMES UPDATE! To better match our worship schedule before the pandemic began, the hours for our online worship services have been adjusted. The Traditional Worship Service will be aired live on Facebook at 9:30 a.m., and the Praise Worship Service will be broadcasted at 10:45 a.m. Both services can be found on our Facebook video page at or by clicking on our “Sermons” icon on our website at


If you did not get the opportunity to watch last Sunday's worship service,

you can find it on Facebook at the following links:

Traditional Worship -

Praise Worship -


you can visit our website at and click on the sermons icon and select the service of your choice.


**We have some reminders and new information to share with you this week**


PRAYER REQUESTS:  If you have any prayer requests, please email those to . Also, if you have any prayer updates or praises, please share those as well.


CELEBRATING OUR GRADUATES: Do you want to have a little fun? Linda Bonham is trying to put together a “Graduate Parade” to drive by and show our graduates our support. Members of the congregation are welcome to join us as we drive by each graduate’s home to make a “joyful noise”  and give them the recognition they deserve. Currently, we have four graduates that are interested in having The Presby Train come by their home. Our tentative date and time are May 21 in the evening. Linda will share more information after Christian Education Committee meets next week. We hope you can join us!


GRADUATE SCHOLARSHIPS - LAST CHANCE TO APPLY: The open period to apply for scholarships through The Presbyterian Church is coming to a close. If you or a family member are interested in applying for a scholarship through the church, please have them contact Linda Bonham at or by Monday, May 11, 2020, at noon. She can also be reached by calling the church office, 513-867-5411.


WEBSITE UPGRADES: In an effort to keep communication clear, concise, and up to date, we have been using this time to streamline and update our website, This week we have added our most recent Blitz emails and the Committee updates under the “Resources” dropdown menu. You can access this information 24/7. The Resources dropdown contains several pages of information as well, such as the Church Calendar, Blitz & New to Use, Pastor’s Video Blog, Prayer Requests, Sermons, Service Time, and This Sunday. We plan to do additional streamlining to the website in the coming weeks.   


SOUND & VIDEO VOLUNTEER OUTREACH REQUEST: Have you enjoyed our online services? Do you have the knack for technical details or want to learn? When we get back to in-person Worship, we are going to need a team of volunteers to help with Sunday Worship services and broadcasting our services on Facebook. We have had to upgrade our equipment to meet our online worship needs, and we are looking for individuals who are willing to help continue this outreach. We will be training our volunteers so that they feel empowered to serve and comfortable with the process. Training will begin as soon as it is deemed appropriate to have volunteers come into the church office to serve. We would like to train before we start in-person Worship. If you are interested in supporting this outreach, email the AV team at and , or the church office at   You are also welcome to call the church office, 513-867-5411. We cannot do this alone, we…need…you!


In closing, your staff misses seeing you and continue to lift each of you in prayer. We appreciate your words of encouragement that we receive by email, Facebook, and by the USPS. If you need to speak with someone, please contact the church office, 513-867-5411, and we can lean on each other. Stay safe! Stay healthy!  



Pastor John & Staff

The Presbyterian Church
23 S Front St.
Hamilton, OH 45011

