Pastor's Video Blog

Help Lord!

Posted by Pastor John Lewis on

One of the things that Jesus was really good at, was being patient. However, patience is very difficult for the rest of us to learn. We are not patient by nature and our culture reinforces us to want everything instantly….. internet connection, computers, tex messaging.   There is even a church in Florida that advertises 22-minute services. You get a song, a prayer an 8 minute sermon, an offering and off you go to the beach. (Sorry ….Not happening here!).


And so if we are going to learn patience we are going to need help from above.

Let me suggest that for the rest of this day, (that’s right for the rest of just one day) when you are about to lose it: step back, take a deep breath and whisper a prayer…..”Dear God, help!” That’s it. That’s all!. Short! Simple! And straight to the heart of God. “Dear God, help!” I think you will be amazed at how it changes things.

One day Billy and Ruth Graham were driving through a long stretch of road construction. They had numerous slowdowns, detours, and stops along the way. (sound familiar?)Finally they reached the end of all that difficulty, and smooth pavement stretched out before them. and at the end of all this construction….a sign caught Ruth’s attention: "End of construction. Thanks for your patience." She smiled and looked over at Billy and said, “Ya know….I wouldn’t mind having those words on my tombstone someday.”


Scripture: Colossians 3:12  Therefore, as God’s chosen people, holy and dearly loved, clothe yourselves with compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness and patience.



Prayer: Lord, sometime time today I’m going to be too hurried and tired to even pray.   Give me the strength to just look toward you and say, “Help!”




Pastor John (513)






